Online market for sustainable products and services, a brand that seeks to promote change in society through more efficient, sustainable and balanced processes. Its objective is to connect small local producers with consumers who value quality, authenticity and proximity.


When we talk about authenticity, perfection is not always synonymous of quality. In the organic products market, people often expect to see perfect fruits or vegetables and any irregularity in the expected shape or color makes us doubt its flavor or quality. 

The truth is that many times these irregularities occur because the product is so natural that it is not it has suffered to respond to aesthetic standards. I created a visual universe with elements that represent imperfection, illustrating the products offered by the brand in a simple way, with flat colors and fluid imperfect shapes. Through the color palette we seek to reflect some elements commonly associated with nature, and alluding to the Iberian origin of the brand (olives, lavender, sunflowers, etc...). The brand makes use of simple backgrounds and compositions that reflect both balance and the name of the brand, which in Spanish is a mixture of truth + veracity. Project done in Branward.



